Thursday, August 27, 2009

Success Post #1

Success Post is a new idea I am jumping on with the basic purpose of sharing my personal success in life with you. There will be a new Success Post every week and will feature things that the ordinary person can do in their personal lives to grab opportunity and run with it.

#1: Take the Plunge.

A while back I visited a water park in the Wisconsin Dells area. This water park was decked out! It had everything you dream about when visiting the Dells, including a 3-story water slide that literally was perpendicular with the ground was insane! So travelling up to this slide was like walking up stairs to God's house, seriously, they just kept coming one after another. I finally reach the peak of this mountain and as I approach the slide the guy in front of me CHICKENS out. He turns around at the last minute and starts down the stairs uttering to himself, "No, no, not today. I will not die today!" haha- so you can imagine how I was feeling as I sat down to go down the slide! But I just remember sitting there and looking out past my knees and seeing nothing but blue sky. As I crossed my legs and arms and waited for the red light to turn green, I decided to just do it and take the plunge.

I stood at the bottom of the slide 5 seconds later and I couldn't stop laughing! My brothers were with me and we just loved it. I use this story as an example for success because any great success in life is going to be like that 3-story slide, at the beginning it is going to be scary and people around you may be turning around and "chickening" out, but it is worth it! When you have the opportunity to do something great go out and do it and don't let fear stop you.

In your humble service,

Silence Dogood

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